Professional. Reliable. Qualified Direct-Support Professionals.
Our philosophy is based on the fact that each person we serve is a unique individual and that as a human being, each person is entitled to dignity, respect, consideration, growth, and the opportunity to lead as full and satisfying a life as possible.
We are committed to the promotion of a valued lifestyle for the people we serve by enabling them to participate as fully as possible in the decision-making process about all aspects that affect their lives. We recognize that everyone possesses their own unique strengths and capabilities, as well as his/her own needs and challenges. We further recognize that our approach must be one of consideration for the total person, since each individual has many interwoven needs; including physical, medical, social, emotional, and spiritual; and that these needs are best served by continually observing each person's right to make their own decisions and life choices.
As part of this approach, we also believe that every employee is entitled to increased knowledge and growth through continuing education seminars and in-service training, To better enable them to serve the consumers under the realm of devotion and understanding for each consumer's right to conduct a fulfilling life.